How to know epass application number in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana?
- If you want to know your application number to check your scholarship application status.
- Click on the 3rd option which knows your application number and follow the below guidelines.
- Select your academic year which starts from 2009 to the present year, epass fresh application and renewal application starts its show scholarship status this year.
- Also, check the last date of scholarship fresh and renewal.
- SSC hall ticket Number enter your 10th class hall ticket number.
- Enter your Passed Year of SSC or 10th class exam like 2005.
- SSC Pass Type: select one the below if you're passed by writing SSC exam by the AP state board. click AP regular. if you passed SSC in supplementary choose Ap supplementary. also other boards like
- if your SSC details not found please visit BC, SC, Minority welfare office located in your district with SSC xerox copy and original. they will upload that.
- Enter your date of birth in the format of (DD MM YYYY) ex 06/06/1992. and search for your application number.
If your details incorrect check details and try again or SSC details not found follow guidelines I have mentioned above.
Telangana state
- . For checking to know Telangana epass number visit
Andhra Pradesh
- To know Andhra Pradesh scholarship application number check on
For Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh and Tripura states have the same process by entering details mentioned before. But Tripura has chosen 12 digits Aadhaar number as scholarship application number.
- Ap
- Karnataka ,
- Telangana ,
- Himachal Pradesh ,
Forgot Karnataka scholarship application number
If you forgotten application number you can retrieve that number by visiting our Karnataka scholarship status page, you can check status there without interrupted by date of birth.
For the record, Himachal Pradesh and Tripura doesn;t need application number they can use Aadhaar number as scholarship number.
Epass application number for scholarship status
we have already mentioned the process of getting your application number back, if you unable to retrieve the application number or any other related issues please comment below. we solve your issue as soon as possible.
For phone number visit contact page from above navigation menu. contact page merged with the pass status home page you can check the information there too.
once got your application number, then you have to check the epass status. state wise we provided the form.